League members commit to serve the children of Cherokee County for ten years with a minimum of 50 hours of service each League year. Most League members far exceed the minimum requirement and frequently volunteer in excess of 100 hours each League year to plan and execute fundraisers, serve on and chair committees to distribute League funds in the form of scholarships, grants, or special projects, and serve as board members. Membership in the Service League not only enables League members to make a tangible difference in their community, but it also enables League members to gain an entirely new group of friends, colleagues and supporters.
Mindy Apple
Stacy Arnold
Rachel Ashe
Julia Aubin
Lindsay Baker
Stephanie Barber
Lexi Barnes
Tracy Barre
Lendsey Bishop
Tamara Bishop
Rachel Blackman
Leah Bleisath
Sara Bobo
Erika Bryant
Ashley Cagle
Gwen Chambers
Margaret Clifton
Kristine Corona
Tiffanie Cromer
Melissa Day
Amy Didzbalis
Amber Domino
Danyel Edwards
Michelle Ewald
Allison Estapa
Becky French
Hilary Fosse
Hailey Gagner
Danielle Gantt
Jen Garijanian
Danielle Garner
Amanda Gauthier
Tori Gay
Jennifer Ghorley
Carol Goodreau
Gwen Green
Tammy Griffin
Lis Hames
Ashley Harwell
Allison Hawkins
Teresa Henry
Savannah Holcomb
Michell Houston
Erica Jorgensen
Kristin Johnson
Amy Kesler
Jessi Kessock
Laura Killen
Anna Lamprey
Kathy Maher
Regina Martin
Leigh McCord
Kim McCrary
Megan McDonald
Caroline Moraniec
Jodi Morgan
Megan Morgan
Rachel Murphy
Shauna Murphy
Bethany Nelson
Laura Nicholas
Reagan O’Connor
Stephanie O’Rourke
Brittany Page
Nichole Parks
Tricia Parks
Melissa Pavsner
Ashley Perkins
Amy Priest
Jenny Purvis
Andrea Rafanelli
Autumn Ransom
Maggie Reams
Jenna Roberts
Marcelle Robustelli
Mary Roehl
Beth Rogers
Emili Roman
Kasey Ross
Nicole Ross
Amy Rowan
Rachael Sanford
Elizabeth Selkey
Jaimie Sims
Jill Smallwood
Sarah Smith
Alison Smock
Melissa Sneed
Amanda Speights
Marcey Stein
Kelly Street
Allyson Tanner
Jessica Testa
Katlyn Thacker
Lauren Thomas
Beth Timothy
Angela Trethaway
Angie Trimbach
Megan Wallace
Rebecca Ward
Melissa Wehunt
Trayce Williams
Diane Worley