In addition to casework, the Service League of Cherokee County contributes to the children of our community through scholarships, special projects and community impact grants. The League’s revenue and funding comes from fundraisers, donations, and sponsorships. Casework is the heart of the League’s mission. Therefore, each year, the League evaluates the budget and funds received and makes an annual decision on the amount of money that will be allocated towards scholarships, special projects, and/or community impact grants.

Each Spring, the Service League presents a limited number of need-based scholarships to children graduating from the high schools within the Cherokee County School District. Scholarships are awarded to students based on need, academic success and extra-curricular activities. The amount of the scholarships given each year is decided by the executive leadership of the Service League annually and is dependent on the amount of money raised through League’s fundraisers.
Special Projects and Community Impact Grants
The League may award community impact grants or fund a special project to assist other child focused organizations seeking to support the children of Cherokee County. Grants are dependent on the availability of League funds after casework, scholarships and special projects are met. After a careful review of the League’s budget, the executive board decides each spring whether the League will be awarding any community impact grants.

Service League of Cherokee County Awards Scholarships to 35 High School Graduates

Service League Awards $50,000 in Community Impact Grants

Now accepting Community Impact Grant applications!